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Guarantees for 

 household appliances.

Your unit is guaranteed for 

2 years


There is a 



 guarantee for the aluminum plates without a 

non-stick coating.
In order to receive an additional year of guarantee free of charge, 
register on the 

 web site ( 

guarantee includes parts and labor and covers manufacturing defects. 
The guarantee does not cover deterioration due to poor use or non-
observance of the instructions for use or breakage due to falling.


The legal guarantee due from the seller does not in any way exclude 
the legal guarantee due from the Manufacturer for manufacturing 
flaws or defects according to articles 




 of the Civil Code.

In the event of a breakdown or malfunction, contact your retailer.
In the event of technical defects observed within one week of 
purchase, the units will be exchanged.
Beyond this period, they will be repaired by the 
after-sale service.
To benefit from this guarantee, the user must present a copy of the 
invoice specifying the date of purchase of the unit.

*Special guarantee terms for plates that don’t have a 

non-stick coating.

The cooking plates are guaranteed for 



This warranty covers all manufacturing defects and material failures, 
in particular all risks of deformation.

It does not cover:



 Damage caused by the use of oven cleaner, cleaning in a dishwasher 
or by any product not recommended for use on aluminium.



 Breakage caused by falls or impacts.



 Changes in the colour of the plates (indeed, it is normal for the 
plates to darken once they have been used several times, as they 
are made from aluminium. This has no effect on cooking).



 Batter sticking to the plates: this fault is never caused by the 
plates but by poor use (insufficient greasing or batter containing 
too much sugar).

Duration of availability of spare parts

In accordance with article L 




 of the consumer code, the availability 

of spare parts that we provide for a repairable product is 


 years as 

of its date of manufacturing.
However, this availability is only guaranteed in the country where 
the product was purchased.


Содержание Super 2

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Страница 12: ...service apr s vente Pour pouvoir b n ficier de cette garantie l usager devra imp rativement pr senter une copie de facture pr cisant la date d achat de l appareil Conditions particuli res de garantie...

Страница 13: ...que les frais de port retour en usine la r exp dition sera faite nos frais dans les meilleurs d lais Si vous avez d autres questions sur nos produits vous pouvez nous contacter l adresse suivante Serv...

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Страница 16: ...t zijn Dit apparaat mag gebruikt worden door kinderen ouder dan 8 jaar en door personen met beperkte fysieke zintuiglijke of mentale capaciteiten of een gebrek aan ervaring of kennis op voorwaarde dat...

Страница 17: ...monsieur tosti s van 120 x 95mm zonder antiaanbaklaag REF 030 421 Platen voor 4 croque monsieur tosti s van 120 x 95 mm met antiaanbaklaag REF 030 422 Platen voor 2 croque monsieur tosti s van 120 x 9...

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Страница 19: ...doek Belangrijk doe de platen nooit in de vaatwasser Verwijder de platen als ze zijn afgekoeld en laat ze in warm water weken Voeg indien nodig wat vaatwasmiddel toe Borstel ze schoon met een afwasbo...

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Страница 21: ...Spreid de aldus bekomen deeg op sneden gewoon brood of casinobrood 1 cm dikte CROQUE MONSIEUR TOSTI Garneer een snede brood met geraspte gruy rekaas Leg op deze gruy re een snede ham Bedek opnieuw me...

Страница 22: ...eerd door de klantenservice van Om aanspraak te kunnen maken op deze garantie is de gebruiker verplicht een kopie van de factuur te overleggen waarop de aankoopdatum vermeld staat Speciale garantievoo...

Страница 23: ...ourzendingen naar de fabriek te betalen de verzendkosten worden door ons betaald onder de snelste leveringstermijn Neem voor andere vragen over onze producten contact met ons op via het volgende adres...

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Страница 29: ...als in Wasser eintauchen und nicht im Geschirrsp ler reinigen Den Ger tek rper mit einem feuchten Schwamm abwischen Wichtig die Wechselplatten keinesfalls im Geschirrsp ler reinigen Die Platten nach d...

Страница 30: ...chmolzene Butter und Cr me Fra che hinzuf gen Eiwei steif schlagen und unterheben Den Teig bei Raumtemperatur Stunde ruhen lassen Die Waffeln schmecken am besten warm mit Puderzucker bestreut DIE SALZ...

Страница 31: ...erheben W rzen Diesen Teig auf 1cm dicke Brot oder Toastbrotscheiben streichen CROQUE MONSIEUR Ein Brotscheibe mit geriebenem K se belegen Auf den K se eine Scheibe Schinken geben Mit geriebenem K se...

Страница 32: ...eser Frist werden die Ger te vom Kundendienst repariert Um diese Garantie in Anspruch nehmen zu k nnen muss der Anwender eine Rechnungskopie mit Kaufdatum des Ger ts vorlegen F r die Platten ohne Anti...

Страница 33: ...cksendekosten an das Werk die R cksendung an Sie erfolgt schnellstm glich auf unsere Kosten Bei Fragen zu unseren Produkten k nnen Sie sich unter folgender Adresse an uns wenden Service consommateurs...

Страница 34: ...10 11 12 1 9 4 3 2 6 7 8 Super 2 Gaufres Type 039 5 Super 2 Gaufres Type 039 34...

Страница 35: ...12 Power cord fixed to the base SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Carefully read these instructions and keep them for future reference Check that the voltage of the power supply is the sameasthatindicatedontheappli...

Страница 36: ...s of age or older and by people with reduced physical sensorial or mental capacities or limited experience and knowledge as long as they are supervised or have received instructions regarding for the...

Страница 37: ...REF 030 221 Plates for 4 120 x 95mm toasted sandwiches without non stick coating REF 030 421 Plates for 4 120 x 95mm toasted sandwiches with non stick coating REF 030 422 Plates for 2 120 x 95mm toast...

Страница 38: ...ties in your region the household waste collection services or the store where you bought your unit STARTING AND USE FIRST USE A new appliance may emit smoke or odors when used for the first time To l...

Страница 39: ...e after that WARNING during cooking the fact that the indicator light is on or off does not mean that the waffles are ready but simply relates to the thermostat s regulation UPKEEP Warning make sure t...

Страница 40: ...illa essence kirsch or rum 3 or 4 eggs Melt the butter and allow to cool slightly Pour the flour into a mixing bowl Add the salt sugar and eggs Beat with a whisk In a bowl dissolve the baking powder i...

Страница 41: ...eggs then add the sugar melted butter lemon zests salt and sifted flour The batter will be runny Leave to stand for 24 hours in a cool place Place a quantity of batter the size of a walnut on the plat...

Страница 42: by the after sale service To benefit from this guarantee the user must present a copy of the invoice specifying the date of purchase of the unit Special guarantee terms for plates that don t have...

Страница 43: ...s for returning the product to the factory We will ship it back to you at our expense as quickly as possible If you have any other questions about our products you can contact us at the following addr...

Страница 44: ...17 Chemin de la Plaine ZA les Plattes CS 30228 69390 VOURLES France conso lagrange fr www lagrange fr C130388 V3...
