DOC: SPII2CHDWBrief - V2.71 07/25/2017
Command Header 0Ch – Read Complete Output Buffer
After using Command Header 06h to determine that there is data and the length of the data,
Command Header 0Ch is used to read back the data. Referring to Figure 26, the command reads
the entire buffer which cannot be longer than 4095 bytes plus the terminator. The data will be
returned followed by the message terminator. As with all communications, the user controller
must generate the required clocks. This is done by sending irrelevant data to the sensor.
Figure 26 - Command Header 0Ch
Read Back Example:
Prior communication indicated that there are 16 bytes (010h) available.
To Sensor:
Returned message:
All shown in hex plus the headers shown in
. Note that the full 16 byte message (15 xx and
the 00 terminator), is returned starting with the last byte of the length specification in the 0C
header. Since the return message header is 3 bytes and the 0C header is 4 bytes, only 15 bytes are
required after the 0C header to read in the specified 16 bytes.