I - 2 A l a r m m o d e ( A L R M ) : S e t u p
■How to set up alarm
Choose either AL-1/AL-2, and hold button A.
Screen shows 'ADJUST HOLd' at first, and then start set up.
Press button C to add value, and button D to decrease.
By holding either button can change value quickly.
Each time you press button B, you can switch to the next menu.
Press button A to save and finish set up.
*Time zone here (TIME-1/TIME-2) correspond to the Time zone in Current
time mode.
*Either button C or D turn ON/OFF Chime and Beep sound.
Indicator [ ] shows Chime and Beep sound is ON.
*After set up either alarm, that alarm will be automatically ON.
*If you don't press any button for more than 30 seconds, it automatically
goes back to alarm mode
Time zone
Chime and
Beep sound
J - 1 T i m e r m o d e ( T I M E R ) : G e n e r a l g u i d e
■Information on the screen
■Timer mode
In timer mode, this watch counts down the time you set.
You can set up to 99:59,59.
Every time you set up timer, that time will be recorded for your next use.
■How to use
*Please refer to page 24 to see how to set up.
Press button C to start timer.
Press button C again to stop timer.
Press button D while timer is stopped, to reset timer (It will reset to the
last setting).
When timer reaches 0, alarm will sound.
Any button will stop this sound.
This timer counts up, after timer reaches 0.
Press button C to stop this count up.
Press button D while count up is stopped, to reset timer.
Total time
Current time