• The alarm is active when set. From normal time display,
press and release the ALARM button to deactivate or
activate the alarm.
• Alarm icon (bell) will show then active.
Activate | Deactivate Alarm
• When your alarm sounds, press the SNOOZE button to
silence alarm for 10 minutes. The alarm bell will flash.
• Press any button except SNOOZE to silence the alarm
for 24 hours.
Sensor Reception & Search
• If the signal is lost, your clock will display the LAST DATA
recorded from the sensor for 10 minutes.
• After that 10 minutes if the signal does not come back
dashes will show for outdoor temperature.
• After 30 minutes, your clock will automatically search
for the sensor.
• Hold the PLUS button for 3 seconds to manually search for
your outdoor sensor.
• The sensor reception icon will flash while searching.
• The icon will be solid when the sensor is connected.