See the
LaCie RAID Manager user manual
for instructions how to manage the LaCie 6big/LaCie 12big storage.
When replacing hard drives that are members of an active RAID array, the hard drive LEDs blink red and blue
indicating that the RAID is synchronizing data. You can continue to use the LaCie 6big/LaCie 12big storage
but performance is reduced until the synchronization is complete.
LaCie 6big/LaCie 12big enclosure: non-serviceable
The components inside the chassis are NOT hot-swappable and are NOT serviceable at any location outside
of LaCie-approved service centers. Removing the cover voids your product’s warranty. Additionally,
removing, replacing or changing any part in the enclosure or, performing any action that involves the
components in the enclosure, voids the product’s warranty. If you are experiencing hardware errors or
failure, contact
LaCie support
for assistance.
LaCie 6big & 12big Thunderbolt 3