LaCie White Paper:
Soft Proofing
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In the digital imaging workflow, between capture and print, a document is commonly processed by a
series of computer peripherals and operators. Because of differences in the way hardware displays, pro-
cesses, and reproduces color, differences may also appear between original and reproduced documents.
Furthermore, human factors also have an impact because small changes made by one operator may lead
to large discrepancies by the end of the process.
As a result, in an environment that is not rigorously color-managed, there is little chance that the final print
will match the initial document. All mistakes and discrepancies that took place earlier in the workflow are
revealed in the last, critical phase: printing.
This can lead to time-consuming corrections, additional printouts, and is an ultimately inefficient process
from a cost and time standpoint. In this process, the responsibility of printout quality rests in the hands,
eyes, and skills of the printing company.
What iS SOFt PrOOFiNG?
Print result
Print result
LaCie 724
LCD Monitor
LaCie 724
LCD Monitor