12. Troubleshooting
page 54
LaCie Ethernet Disk
User’s Manual
The LaCie Ethernet Disk is not seen by
the LaCie Network Configurator.
Retrieving the IP address of the LaCie
Ethernet Disk while in DCHP.
The LaCie Ethernet Disk can not be
formatted or defragmented.
Possible Solutions
From the LaCie Network Configurator, press the
Refresh list
button and wait
about a minute. If it still is not seen, your network (routers, switches, etc.) is
stopping UDP broadcasts that are required for the Network Configurator to find
the LaCie Ethernet Disk. In this case, connect the LaCie Ethernet Disk directly into
the same hub as your workstation and try again. If this still does not work,
connect your LaCie Ethernet Disk to your workstation with a crossed Ethernet
cable and try again.
Use the LaCie Network Configurator. You will see all of the related information
about your LaCie Ethernet Disk on the right panel of the configurator: when you
open the LaCie Network Configurator, you will see a list of all of the NAS
servers running on your network. When you browse through this list, all of the
related information about the network, including IP addresses, will be displayed
in the right panel of the window.
Important Info:
If you are operating in a Windows environment, you can use
a command prompt to perform this function, instead of using the LaCie
Network Configurator. Open a command prompt, and type: “ping
[nas_name]”, and you will see the LaCie Ethernet Disk’s IP address.
Some files may be locked due to being accessed by an operation. It is
recommended that system intensive operations such as formatting and
defragmenting be performed immediately after rebooting the LaCie Ethernet