Guider Setup:
Objective focus: 180mm
Guide speed 0,5x (also check the value in your mount's controller!)
binning 1x1
Live View screen:
Gain 7
exp 900ms
thresh. 1 or 2 (to see all stars and dark-noise)
Guide screen:
Gain 6, 7 or 8 (depending on the guide star)
exp between 200 and 2000ms (depending on the guide star and guiding interval)
thresh. Between 7 and 10 (to guide ONLY on the guide star)
Guiding values in RA und DEC:
Num 1
tol. 0,10
aggr. 70%
mode 2
Dithering (random displacement):
enable, 10 pixel width recommended
Exposure program:
Adjust the wait time to allow enough time for your camera to save the last exposure , (at least
5 seconds recommended). We also recommend not using mirror lock up, as it is of little use in
deep sky photography.
Guiding file:
If activated, and only while using the exposure program, a guiding file is written while
guiding is running. The purpose for this is to have a record of the guiding characteristics
during each exposure. Use the MGEN's software to upload the file to your computer and
convert it into individual guiding diagrams. Use the diagrams to check the heartbeat of your
mount, and get information about possible gear problems etc., if guiding is not as expected.
Happy guiding!
your Lacerta MGEN team