Copyright © 2018 by DJ4WD · All Rights reserved LabShack UG ·
Ho To Tune:
Start with the 20m band. Change the length of the antenna wire „A“ between matchbox and
first Trap „T1“. Tune your TRX to your prefered frequency, for example 14.060 kHz, and watch
the VSWR. Is the resonant frequency below this, you have to shorten this wire. Shortening of
the wire should proceed in small steps of approximately 2 cm. The wire loop between the iso-
lator and the shrink-Wrapped PCB can be made longer, or shorter, for small changes of the
resonant frequency. For bigger changes the wire must be cut and re-attached to the cable lug.
The moment the 20m band is tuned, the 10m band is automatically tuned as well.
To change the resonant frequency of the 30m band, part „B“ of the antenna, the wire between
the two Traps „T1“ and „T2“, must be changed. Tune your TRX to your prefered frequency for
30m, for example 10.116 kHz, and watch the VSWR. Is the resonant frequency below this, you
have to shorten this wire. Don’t cut the wire, just pull a small amount of the wire through the
holes of the PCB the Trap is made of.
Repeat the same steps to wire „C“ to adjust the 40m band.
To change the resonant frequency of the 60m band, just change the length of the part „D“. Loo-
sen the clamp and slide the antenna wire through the isolator. Don’t cut the wire, just put it
along the remaining wire and fixate it with cable tie or tape.
If the wire is not cut the antenna can be tuned for other locations or you can do changes at a
later point if needed.
Mounting Options:
You can mount
this antenna in
several ways:
• Sloper
• Vertical
• Horizontal
• Inverted-Vee
Please contact us if you need any further information or help: „[email protected]“
Good luck and best DX!