NXT Go Owner’s Manual, LBL-00145, MAN2030
Standard Equipment and Optional Accessories
Prior to use, verify that all ordered equipment and accessories have been received. Contact
LABORIE if there are any discrepancies between ordered and received equipment. Inspect
the equipment for any visible signs of damage or mishandling. Notify the carrier
immediately if damage is found.
LABORIE recommends keeping the carrying cases and cartons provided with the
devices to use during transport if the equipment must be sent in for service.
Standard NXT System Configuration:
Standard Equipment
Computer: Laptop PC
Printer: Inkjet
Pump Hub: NXT Go Pump Hub with NXT Go Infusion Hook
Uroflowmeter: Urocap NXT (1)
UDS: Roam NXT (1) with PIM NXT for T-DOC or Fluid
Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Add-on feature
UPP Puller NXT: Add-on Equipment
Table 1: NXT System Configuration – Standard Equipment
1.7 Warnings and Precautions
Prior to Urodynamic testing, a urinalysis and urine culture should be considered to rule
out the presence of infection.
Care should be taken when performing a Urodynamic study on patients with:
The presence of a bladder infection
Strictures in the urethra
LABORIE is not responsible for loss of patient files or test data. LABORIE recommends
that the user backup patient data on a regular basis.
LABORIE equipment and accessories are licensed by Governments, approved by Safety
Agencies, and warranted to work only with each other.
The Roam NXT and the PIM NXT are not intended for long-term direct patient contact. If
the devices must be attached to a patient, place gauze or another material between the
devices and the patient’s skin.
United States Federal Law restricts this device to sale or use by or on the
order of a licensed physician.
Status DRAFT Effective