BA_078_en_10.01 Level transmitter PASCAL Ci4 LEVEL
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Colour codes
BN/BR: Brown
WH/WS: White
BU/BL: Blue
BK/SW: Black
Figure 2: Connection of the remote display housing
This modification can be performed during operation. We do recommend, however, to
switch off the device during the modification.
Figure 3: Remote display and control unit after installation
During operation, take care that the device remains within its intended pressure and tem-
perature ranges. No other monitoring is necessary.
Permissible ambient temperature:
40…80 °C
4.1 Test Terminals
You can check the output current without interrupting the current loop, using the test ter-
minals on the terminal board. When you connect a current meter to the "+Test" and "-Test"
terminals, the current is automatically routed through it.
Figure 4: Current measurement during operation using test terminals