Send the following message to the idOil device:
TXD 1 12:00
Device response:
TXD <device name> 1 12:00
The device sends a timed message every day at 12:00.
Example 2
Switching off the timed message
Send the following message to the idOil device:
TXD 0 00:00
Device response:
TXD <device name> 0
7.4.5. Measurement interval (MI)
An interval can be set for the device, according to which it will wake up from power saving
mode, perform sensor measurements and, if necessary, activate the 3G modem to forward
the alarm data. After this, the device returns to power saving mode.
The factory default for the measurement intervals is 10 (minutes).
This setting can also be entered via the idOil unit’s browser user interface.
The format of the measurement interval setting command is as follows:
MI <nnn>
Field legend
Measurement interval in minutes. Permitted
10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,
720, 1440
If Pirkkala Myllyhaantie has been set as the device name and the command
MI 60
is sent, the response is:
MI Pirkkala Myllyhaantie 60
With this setting, the device wakes up to perform sensor measurements every 60 minutes
and sends alarm data to the set telephone numbers, if necessary.
Installation and Operating Instructions | idOil Solar