3. Warnings
D SERIES Lake Quick Start Guide rev 3.0.4
5. Introduction
5. Introduction
5.1. Welcome
5.2. D Series: Two versions available
This Quick Start Guide is for use with Lake processing versions only, and applies to models at all six output power
levels. More detailed information is available in the full Operation Manual, available at Lab.gruppen.com.
D Series is an advanced, high-power installation amplifier platform designed for demanding applications, primarily
in performance venues. For the utmost flexibility in processing and networking, the D Series is available in two
Tesira versions are available in three output power levels, whereas the D Series lake versions are available in six
output models. The six Lake power output models come in two form factors. Three high power models in a
standard form factor and three lower powered models in a slimline, single rack unit, form factor.
Thank you for choosing the Lab.gruppen D Series for your sound reinforcement needs. We are confi dent that you
will be pleased with the performance, unique features, confi guration fl exibility, reliability, and long-term durability
offered by this product.
For fast installation and use of this product, your welcome package includes this printed copy of the D Series Quick
Start Guide. It provides a brief introduction to the features and functionality of the D Series, and it also contains the
information required to safely install the product and place it in service. Please read through thoroughly to become
acquainted with the basic confi guration and control options available. It is recommended that you also review all
other product documentation to ensure familiarity with the various confi guration and control options.
Thank you again for placing your confi dence in Lab.gruppen products.