C Series C 20:8X, C 10:8X, C 10:4X and C 5:4X Operation Manual rev. 1.1.4
2. Welcome
2.1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing Lab.gruppen C Series power amplifiers for your sound reinforcement system
installation. We are confident that you will be very pleased with the performance, configuration flexibility,
reliability, and long-term durability offered by the C Series products.
This manual provides a comprehensive guide to the features and functionality specifically of C Series model C
20:8X, C 10:8X, C 10:4X and C 5:4X amplifiers. Please read through it in its entirely to become fully acquainted
with the many configuration options and multiple layers of protection circuitry.
To facilitate timely installation and use of this C Series product, we have included a Quick Guide Overview
(section 6). This brief summary, in conjunction with Installation (section 5), contains the basic information
needed to safely install the amplifier and place it in service. However, we highly recommend reading through
this manual in its entirety, beginning with Main Features and Technologies and continuing through Operation
and Performance. As you become thoroughly familiar with all aspects of operation, you may learn of features or
options that will affect your choices on amplifier modes or loudspeaker system configuration.
Lab.gruppen C Series power amplifiers are designed and built specifically for the unique demands of perma-
nent installation applications. C Series amplifiers offer the optimum combination of high-quality audio reproduc-
tion, flexible features, ease of installation, and ultimate reliability in normal use.
By packing four or eight channels of reconfigurable power amplification into a 2U chassis, the C Series
achieves unprecedented power and channel density. The benefits of compact dimensions include reduced
rack space requirements and minimal heat build-up. The flexible output stages enable each amplifier channel to
be set for either low impedance or constant voltage (70 Vrms / 100 V peak) mode. NomadLink, an easy-to-use
network for monitoring and control, is implemented as a standard feature on all C Series amplifiers.
Although C Series features and facilities are tailored to installation applications, at the heart of each amplifier
is the same advanced technology that has made Lab.gruppen the benchmark of quality for touring concert
systems: exceptional sonic performance, rugged construction, proven reliability, and protection features that
anticipate every unwelcome possibility.
This manual is shipped with amplifiers carrying the
C…X designation (C 20:8X, C 10:8X, C 10:4X and C
5:4X). These four models within the C Series are
distinguished by both four- and eight-channel
versions, lower power output, and several added features. Any
references to “C Series” in this manual also apply to the other
models in the Series. References that apply only to the C…X
models will specify “C…X amplifiers”. An alternate operation
manual is shipped with model C88:4, C 68:4, C 48:4, C 28:4 and
C 16:4 amplifiers.