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For machine configurations: waiters’ card
The display shows
Insert card
For machine configurations: Self +Credit card
The display shows:
Insert coin
For machine configuration: Self with coin box
The display shows:
Select Drink
For machine configuration: Self with coin box + credit card.
The display shows:
Select Drink
For Self with coin box configuration the selections doses are enabled only when the set-up temperature of both boilers
( Coffee- Steam ) have been reached.
To switch ON/OFF the machine on every type of Self – configuration keep pressed for 5 sec. Key N° 11 (ON/OFF)
To turn the machine OFF, open the machine front door or insert the smart card and press the key N°11 (ON/OFF), or use
the main external switch (see diagram).
In case of temporary voltage drop, the machine will be automatically turned back to the stage previous to the voltage
If the display shows:
Coffee not ready
The displayed message indicates that the set up heating temperature in the coffee boiler has not been reached yet, and
therefore coffee based dispensing are not enabled
If the display shows:
Steam not ready
The displayed message indicates that the set up heating temperature in the steam boiler has not been reached yet, and
therefore milk based dispensing and hot water and steam dispensing are not enabled.
In both cases wait until the boiler has reached the set up heating temperature.