Low Output Voltage
or Current (Continued)
Incorrect Float/Equalize Voltage Settings
Refer to Section 5 for output adjustment
Low Output Voltage Condition:
Charger is in Current Limit
Measure output current and verify against
charger nameplate. If found to be in
current limit, wait for batteries to charge
or remove loads.
Low Output Current Condition:
Batteries are Fully Charged
Confirm by changing to Equalize mode;
current should increase.
Meter Reading Incorrect Voltage or Current
Refer to Symptom 4.
Defective Control Panel WITH Power Stage:
Refer to schematic or parts list to confirm if
power stage is used.
Chargers with Power Stage, disconnect
the 12 pin connector from the Electronic
Control Panel. Start the charger. If
charger goes into high rate, the electronic
panel may be defective.
Defective Control Panel WITHOUT Power Stage:
Refer to schematic or parts list to confirm if
power stage is used.
Chargers without Power Stage,
disconnect the 12 pin connector from the
Electronic Control Panel and jump pin 3 to
8 of the connector. Start the charger. If
charger goes into high rate, the electronic
panel may be defective.
Defective Control Relay
Measure voltage from Pin 5 on Electronic
Control Panel to negative DC output
terminal. If voltage is zero, the power
failure relay may be defective.
Open RC Resistors
Measure resistance of component. If
open, the resistor may be defective.
Defective Diode Heat Sink Assembly
Refer to Appendix D.
Defective Batteries
Check battery cells.
High Output Voltage
or Current
Incorrect, Damaged or Loose Cable/Harness
Visually inspect and verify all internal
wiring using charger schematic.
Incorrect Battery Connected
Measure battery voltage and verify
against charger nameplate.
Incorrect Float/Equalize Voltage Settings
Refer to Section 5 for output adjustment
Open Potentiometers on S2A-199 Assembly
Contact La Marche Service Department
for further troubleshooting instructions.
Defective Control Panel
Place jumper across center coil on
saturable reactor. If charger runs low, the
problem may be the Electronic Control
Defective Batteries
Check battery cells.
Ground Detection Fault
Ground Fault Present on Charger or DC System
Isolate charger from DC system by
removing all wires from charger output
terminal. If ground fault on charger
clears, problem may be on external DC
loads, battery, or wires. If ground fault is
still present on charger, contact La
Marche Service Department for further
Ordering Replacement Parts
Contact La Marche to place an order for spare or replacement parts. To order replacement parts; please provide
the model and serial number of the battery charger, the part needed and the quantity required.