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Note: The alarm is crescendo sound. The alarm sounds for 2 minutes
and then shut off completely.
Animated Color Forecast Icons
Animated forecast icons use changing atmospheric pressure to predict
weather conditions for the next 12-hours with 70-75% accuracy.
This station learns; please allow 3 to 4 weeks for barometric calibration.
This will ensure an accurate personal forecast for your location.
Forecast Tendency Indicators (above Pressure History Graph)
Rising Pressure
Weather is Expected
to Improve
Steady Pressure
Weather is Expected
to Stay the Same
Falling Pressure
Weather is Expected
to Worsen
24 Hour Pressure History Graph/Tendency Arrow
The bar chart indicates the air pressure history
trend over the last 24 hours.
The columns represent the pressure change
(”InHg” or “hPa”) readings at specific times.
The “0” is equal to the current pressure and each
bar represents how past pressure was
to the current pressure.
Read the graph from left to right. If the bars are rising, it means that
the weather is getting better due to the increase of air pressure.
If the bars go down, it means the air pressure has dropped and the
weather is expected to get worse from the present time.