alarm) -- be displayed that have reached an alarm condition since
their last deletion.
Here for every alarm, the time and date of appearance can be
displayed by touching ٭ALARM٭.
PC Connection
As an important feature in addition to the display on the Touch
Screen, the Weather Station allows the read-out of all measured
and displayed time and weather data in form of complete history
data sets on a PC.
Data Storage
For a comprehensive weather history, the Base Station allows the
internal storage of up to 1750 complete sets of weather data with time
and date. These data sets are being stored in non-volatile ring buffer
memory (EEPROM) and will not be lost even in case of an interruption
of power supply (e. g. change of batteries).
In case the memory capacity of the Weather Station is exhausted the
oldest data sets stored will be overwritten by the new ones entered.
Data Recall
The weather data stored can only be read out, processed, and
displayed by means of a PC. Also the settings of the storing intervals
from 1 minute to 24 hours for the storage of data sets can only be
performed by means of a PC.
Connections and Software
The wiring between Weather Station and PC takes place by means of
an included serial port cable. The “Heavy Weather Pro“ software
package, also included in the shipping contents, must be installed on
the PC.
This software allows the display of all present weather data with
graphic symbols. It also allows the display, storage, and printing of
history data sets, whose volume exceeding the maximum 1750 data
sets of the Weather Station is only limited by the capacity of the PC’s