Interferences and problems with operation
Problem & cause
Distance between
transmitters and re-
ceiver too long.
Reduce distance between transmitters
and receiver to receive signal
High shielding materi-
als between the units
(thick walls, steel, con-
crete, isolating alumi-
num foil and etc.)
Find a different location for sensors
and/or receiver. See also Item
Transmission Range’
Interference from other
sources (e.g. wireless
radio, headset,
speaker, etc. operating
on the same frequency)
Find a different location for the sensors
and/or base station. Neighbors using
electrical devices operating on the
433MHz signal frequency can also
cause interference with reception
No Reception after
adding extension ca-
Find a new location for the sensors
and/or base station. Recommend not
adding more than 10 meter extension
cables between units to the existing
cable lengths as this will increase the
chance data reception problems.
Reception then no
reception - loss of
transmission signal
from the sensor to the
base station
Press and hold the PLUS(+) key for 2
seconds to synchronize the base sta-
tion to the sensors for weather data
reception. If still no signal, then
change the sensor batteries and syn-
chronize the units again.
Poor contrast LCD or
no reception or low
batteries in sensors or
Check the LCD contrast setting or
change batteries (check low battery
indicator on the LCD)
Quite frequently interferences are only of a temporary nature and may
be easily overcome. If there are wireless headsets, remote babysitters
or other devices working on 433MHz in your house or in the vicinity,
their switch-on time is mostly limited. Furthermore most of these devices
allow the change to an interference-free frequency. Such measures will
effectively overcome interferences.