- Outdoor wind chill
- Outdoor dew point
- Rainfall 24h
- Rainfall 1h
- Rainfall total.
Notes to Dew point and Wind chill:
Air can at a certain temperature only carry a certain amount of water
(water vapor), which also increases and decreases with temperature.
If the air temperature decreases below the dew point (saturation
point), the excessive water vapor will condense and fall in the form of
dew, fog or rain. At a temperature of e.g. 15°C and a relative humidity
of 50% the dew point will be about 5°C, at 80% humidity about 12°C.
At a relative humidity of 100% saturation is reached, i.e. the dew point
is 15°C. At a dew point below freezing the fallout will become frost or
Wind chill has been introduced for battle planning during World War
II. It represents not the real measured but the temperature a person
feels in open area under the influence of wind and cold. Wind chill is
laid out in tables for various temperatures and wind speeds. At an
outdoor temperature of e.g. 8°C and calm winds a person moving at a
speed of 6 m/s will already feel a wind chill temperature of 0°C.
Wind Data (LCD Section 3)
The current wind direction will be displayed on the LCD compass on
the wind section. Press the WIND key to toggle between wind
direction as numerical (e.g. 225°) and abbreviated characters (e.g.
SW) as well as numerical wind speed display inside the compass
Operation keys
The base station has 8 keys for easy operation. Please refer to the
following table for use and function of each key: Further descriptions
of the key functions with regard to their immediate range of
application can be found in the Programming modes:
SET - key
- In normal mode to enter the manual basic
programming mode
- In basic programming mode to select the
following setting modes:
- LCD contrast setting
- Manual time setting (hours/minutes)