Once charging has started, the current can no longer be changed. The user can then
change the current only by taking out all the batteries out and repeating the above steps.
6. ―Full‖ sign (or trickle charge current) will be displayed once the battery is fully charged.
Charge four batteries at different modes at the same time
Two batteries at charge mode, one at discharge mode and one at test mode.
1. Plug the transformer into the power source.
2. Insert the two batteries for charging within 8 seconds to compartments 1 and 2.
―Charge‖ will be displayed in the LCD as Charge mode is the default mode.
4. Within 8 seconds after inserting the two batteries, select the charging current at 200, 500,
700 or 1000 mA by pressing the CURRENT key.
5. 8 seconds after the last key press, the display will blink once to indicate that the time allowed
for setting is over and the charging will start. Once charging has started, the current can no
longer be changed.