Rev. 15 Page 704
Apr. 14/16
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Processor PWA also provides an interface between the FA2100CVR and Ground
Support Equipment, GSE, directly through front panel GSE connector J3.
Remove the Acquisition Processor PWA (1-175) from its static-resistant container
ensuring that none of the connector contacts are touched and general ESD han-
dling precautions are observed.
Slide the Acquisition Processor PWA into the chassis with the GSE (J3) connector
toward the front from the rear and position into place. Refer to Figure 701.
Apply adhesive, Table 701: item 1, to 10 pan-head screws (1-180) and tighten into
place using a torque wrench set at 5-6 in./lbs. to secure the Acquisition Processor
PWA to the recorder chassis (1-5).
If the Aircraft Interface PWA (1
105) and Audio Compressor PWA (1
155) are not
attached to the rear panel assembly (1
90), then perform the steps in paragraph
If the Aircraft Interface PWA and Audio Compressor PWA are attached to the rear
panel assembly, then continue with paragraph D., Step (9).
Since the Acquisition Processor requires specifically configured software to oper-
ate, refer to the Test and Troubleshooting Section 100, for detailed procedures on
loading the recorder software through the front panel GSE connector.
Aircraft Interface PWA (AI) Installation
(See Figure 703 or IPL Figure 1, Item 105)
The Model FA2100’s Aircraft Interface PWA is mounted in the rear panel assembly
of the recorder chassis. It provides the Flight Recorder with an interface to the Air-
craft’s power and Flight Data Acquisition Unit, FDAU, through the rear panel connec-
tor, J1A. It also provides operating voltage to the storage capacitor and routes the
input signals to the Audio Compressor PWA through W002 Cable Assembly con-
nected at J3 and to the Acquisition Processor PWA through the W001 Cable Assem-
bly connected at J2.
This procedure assumes that the CSMU is removed from the recorder chassis, that
the dust cover is off, the rear panel assembly is detached from the recorder chassis,
the Audio Compressor PWA is not attached, and that the Acquisition Processor PWA
is installed and secured into the chassis as described in paragraph B.
Front orientation means toward or facing the front of the
unit, whereas rear means toward or facing the rear of the
To secure the Aircraft Interface PWA to the rear panel assembly (1-90):
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