Do not block air intakes or discharge
outlets of the torch. Doing so may
cause improper combustion or dam-
age to torch components leading to
property damage.
The hose assembly shall be visually in-
spected on a daily basis after torch re-
location and when the torch is in use.
If it is evident there is excessive abra-
sion or wear, or if the hose is cut, it
must be replaced prior to the torch
being put into operation. The hose as-
sembly shall be protected from build-
ing materials, and contact with hot
surfaces during use. The hose assem-
bly shall be that specified by the man-
ufacturer. See parts list.
Check for gas leaks and proper func-
tion upon initial use, when relocating,
and after servicing. Refer to leak
check instructions within installation
section of this manual.
This torch shall be inspected for proper
operation by a qualified service person
before each use and at least annually.
Always turn off the gas supply at the LP
gas supply container if the torch is not
planned for immediate use.
If gas flow is interrupted and flame
goes out, do not relight the torch until
you are sure that all gas that may have
accummulated has cleared away. In
any event, do not relight the torch for
at least 5 minutes.
This torch may be used with a mini-
mum size 20 lb. capacity propane con-
tainer when portability is desired.
However, this size will not provide suf-
ficient vaporization and pressure for
extended torch operation. Ensure that
additional 20lb. containers are avail-
able, or use a larger gas container (50
or 100 lb.).
When the torch is to be stored indoors,
the connection between the propane
gas supply cylinder(s) and the torch
must be disconnected and the cylin-
der(s) removed from the torch and
stored in accordance with the -Stan-
dard for the Storage and Handling of
Liquified Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA
Propane gas supply containers have
left handed threads. Always use the
appropriate wrench to make a connec-
tion to tighten or loosen the POL fitting
at the container’s gas supply valve.
Always use pipe thread compound that
is resistant to propane gas when mak-
ing threaded connections.
The components on the torch that call
for hand operation should work with
hand pressure only. If more force is re-
quired, have a qualified gas heater
service agency replace the defective
part. Do not attempt to repair.
User Instructions
Read all safety precautions and follow
L.B.White recommendations when
using this torch. If you suspect that a
part is damaged or defective, call a
qualified service agency for repair or re-
Check all connections for gas leaks.
Gas leak testing is performed as fol-
In the event a gas leak is detected,
check the components involved for
cleanliness and proper application of
pipe compound before further tighten-
Further tighten the gas connections as
necessary to stop the leak.
After all connections are checked and
any leaks are stopped, wait at least 5
minutes to allow gas to dissipate.
Light the torch.
With the torch in operation, check all
connections, hose connections, fittings
and joints with approved gas leak de-
If a leak is detected, check the compo-
nents involved for cleanliness in the
thread areas and proper application of
pipe compound before further tighten-
Tighten the gas connection as neces-
sary to stop the leak.
If necessary, replace the parts or com-
ponents involved if the leak cannot be
Ensure all gas leaks have been identi-
fied and repaired before proceeding.
L.P Gas Installation Requirements
Ensure all L.P. gas containers are se-
cured and protected from people, vehic-
ular traffic and contact.
L.P. gas containers must be located on
a flat,level, and stable surface.
L.P. gas cylinders (100 cylinders/tanks)
must be secured from tip-over.
Contact your local authorities, L.P. gas
dealers, or fire marshalls for specifics
dealing with installation in your area.
Light according to instructions within
owner's manual.
Use only the L.B. White regulator origi-
nally supplied with the heater. This reg-
ulator includes a POL fitting with an
excess flow valve. The excess flow valve
is a safety device which protects against
discharge from the propane gas supply
container if the regulator is broken off.
If the POL fitting is ever replaced, it
needs to be replaced with an L.B. White
POL fitting. Failure to do so can result
in fires, explosions, loss of property, in-
jury or death
This torch is configured for use for
propane vapor withdrawal only. Do not
use the torch in a propane liquid with-
drawal system or application. If you are
in doubt, contact L.B.White Company.
Take time to understand how to operate
and maintain the torch by using this
Owner’s Manual. Make sure you know
how to shut off the gas supply to the
torch. Contact your fuel gas supplier if
you have any questions.
Any defects found in performing any of
the service or maintenance procedures
must be eliminated and defective parts
replaced immediately. The torch must
be retested by properly qualified service
personnel before placing it back into
Fire and Explosion Hazard
Do not use open flame (matches, candles,
etc.) in checking for gas leaks.
Use only approved leak detectors.
Failure to follow this warning can lead to
fires or explosions.
Fires or explosions can lead to property
damage, personal injury or loss of life.