Do not attempt to install, repair, or service this heater
or the gas supply line unless you have continuing
expert training and knowledge of gas heaters.
Qualifications for service and installation of this
equipment are as follows:
a. To be a qualified gas heater service person, you
must have sufficient training and experience to
handle all aspects of gas-fired heater installation,
service and repair. This includes the task of
installation, troubleshooting, replacement of
defective parts and testing of the heater. You
must be able to place the heater into a continuing
safe and normal operating condition. You must
completely familiarize yourself with each model
heater by reading and complying with the safety
instructions, labels, Owner’s Manual, etc., that is
provided with each heater.
b. To be a qualified gas installation person, you must
have sufficient training and experience to handle
all aspects of installing, repairing and altering gas
lines, including selecting and installing the proper
equipment, and selecting proper pipe and tank
size to be used. This must be done in accordance
with all local, state and national codes as well as
the manufacturer’s requirements.
All installations and applications of L.B. White heaters
must meet all relevant local, state and national
codes. Included are L.P. gas, natural gas, electrical,
and safety codes. Your local fuel gas supplier, a local
licensed electrician, the local fire department or
similar government agencies, or your insurance agent
can help you determine code requirements.
Refer to the following:
-- CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Gas
Installation Code.
-- C S A C 2 2 .1 P a r t 1, S t a n d a rd C a n a d i a n
Electrical Code and CS C22.2 No. 3, Electrical
Features of Fuel Burning Equipment.
We cannot anticipate every use which maybe made of
our heaters. Check with the local fire safety authority
if you have questions about applications.
Do not wash the interior of the heater. Use only
compressed air, a soft brush or dry cloth to clean the
interior of the heater and it’s components.
For safety, this heater is equipped with manual reset
high limit switches, an air-proving switch and a
redundant gas control valve. Never operate the
heater with any safety device that has been bypassed.
Do not operate this heater unless all of these features
are fully functioning.
Do not locate fuel gas containers or fuel supply
hoses within 6.10 meters of the blower outlet of the
Do not block air intakes or discharge outlets of the
heater. Doing so may cause improper combustion or
damage to heater components leading to property
The hose assembly shall be visually inspected on a
daily basis after heater relocation and when the
heater is in use. If it is evident there is excessive
abrasion or wear, or if the hose is cut, it must be
replaced prior to the heater being put into operation.
The hose assembly shall be protected from building
materials, and contact with hot surfaces during use.
The hose assembly shall be that specified by the
manufacturer. See parts list.
This heater is equipped with a gas selector valve. The
selector valve must be properly positioned for the gas
supplied to the heater. Further information on this
feature is provided on page 14 of this manual.
Check for gas leaks and proper function upon heater
installation, when relocating, and after servicing.
Refer to leak check instructions within installation
section of this manual.
This heater should be inspected for proper operation
by a qualified service person before each use and at
least annually.
Always turn off the gas supply to the heater if the
heater is not going to be used in the heating of the
work space.
T h i s h e a te r i s e qu i p p e d w i t h a t h r e e - p ro n g
(grounding) plug for your protection against shock
hazard and must be plugged directly into a properly
grounded three-prong receptacle. Failure to use a
properly grounded receptacle can result in electrical
shock, personal injury, or death.
If gas flow is interrupted and flame goes out, do not
relight the heater until you are sure that all gas that
may have accummulated has cleared away. In any
event, do not relight the heater for at least 5 minutes.
The heater requires a minimum 1892 litre propane
tank for proper gas supply pressure and operation. A
l a r g e r t a n k m ay b e r e qu i r e d d e p e n d i n g u p o n
operating conditions at the site.
W h e n t h e h e a te r i s to b e s to r e d i n d o o r s , t h e
c o n n e c t i o n b e t we e n t h e p ro p a n e g a s s u p p l y
container and the heater must be disconnected. The
container must be reoved from the heater and stored
in accordance with the Standard CSA B149.1 Natural
Gas and Propane Gas Installation Code.
Propane gas supply containers have left handed
threads. Always use the appropriate wrench to make
a c o n n e c t i o n to t i g h te n o r l o o s e n t h e p i g t a i l
connector’s P.O.L. fitting at the container’s gas
supply valve.