Seals on extrusions need to be inspected for proper fit, no cuts
or snags. Such imperfections may permit water to enter causing
moisture damage. Inspect these seals two times per year.
Be sure slide outs fit well as some times additional adjustments
need to be made. Contact your dealer for such adjustments on all
slide outs.
Ignoring any leakage will void and nullify warranty coverage.
On the rear door hinge assembly there may be a grease fitting
which requires grease gun lubrication. Failure to keep this hinge
from rust and seizing up, causing the hinge to break, is responsibility
of the owner. Grease this monthly to keep the hinge lubed and op-
erating freely.
Second type of hinge is all aluminum materials and requires only
silicone spray for lubrication.
9. TENT(S)
The tent( s) on your KZ hybrid trailer is manufactured with
mostly vinyl and polyester fabric laminated, with vinyl exterior in
areas where there is vinyl only. Two tendencies that you may dis-
cover in any tent assembly are condensation and possible minor
leakage on the first several times the tent is used.
A. Condensation
Since this material can’t breath you may—depending on weather
conditions, temperature variance, and furnace usage—experience
some condensation inside of the coach, more so at night than day
Such condensation can be reduced or possibly eliminated by
opening the upper corner of bunk end panel, 1/2” to 1”, folded over
to allow a small quantity of air to move across the roof panel, at the
end which has the head of the sleeping person.
B. Leakage
TO SEAL THE NEEDLE HOLES. Your tent may leak the first time it
gets wet. Do not be alarmed. The tent is sewn with special thread
that swells up and seals the needle holes after it has been wet.
Rubbing a wax candle over sewn seams after the first rain may also
assist in quicker sealing.
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