Enhanced Laser Printing
User manual
The PCL5/PCL6/TIFF to PDF converter is optional and is licensed per
eMail Function
Sending fully automatic eMails to any adress, found in the data stream. If
the PDF converter is available as PDF attachment.
Using trigger functions, you can define any subject and body text, for
example to differentiate between for example orders or invoices, or
languages German or English etc.
Fax Function (pretty simiar to eMail.)
PCL Compression 8: Realises the conversion from PCL Compression Mode 8 to 5.
Archiving and MyPrintArchive
Sends print files into an archive directory, optional in Adobes PDF format.
provides a search and view/eMail/print function
writes an HPS index file, so data can be sent to any global archive
system with automatix indexing.
Uses user defined file names for archiving
Reload automatically archived jobs and print and delete them
MyPrintArchive stores all jobs from a user/searched item etc. send to a
specific queue and on dmand resend them to any printer
Records into a text (CSV format) or DBase file all print job, page size,
from whom, when etc, including collected document informations like
check numbers etc.
With Monitored printing also the true paeg counters are stored for real print
cost calculation.
Monitored printing
Send data streams direct to IP connected printers and monitor the print job.
On printer error send a user notification and start recovery actions.
Variable management
User name, time, day, week, etc. can be used on any page.
External files can be used to search for any place holder, which are
replaced by the value.
can setup its own item counters, as well page counters.
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