Kvaser BlackBird Getting Started Guide
26 (47)
Selecting the device from the network
Starting the Kvaser Network Device Selector
The next step is to see if the device can be spotted on the network. This is done
through the Kvaser Hardware program on the Tools tab, see Figure 19:
Figure 19: Tools tab in Kvaser Hardware.
Selecting the device you want to use
When Kvaser Network Device Selector is started, a list of discovered devices will
be shown.
Your device should appear in the list of discovered devices, see Figure 20 on
Page 27, select it and click the “Connect” button.
You may need to press the Refresh list button to update the list. The value in the
Connect column should be “Yes” for your device, and the In Use column value
should be “Free”.
If the value of In Use is “Config”, close the Kvaser Wireless Configuration program
from the previous section (and unplug the device from the computer’s USB port).
If the value of In Use is “USB”, unplug the device from the computer’s USB port.
If the value of Connect is “-”, then select your device and press the Connect button
on the toolbar.
Kvaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden — www.kvaser.com