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-Mark 12/152
8. Turn On Metronome
•Press the METRONOME button (located in the RECORDER section) •Press the
UP and DOWN buttons below the window to change tempo.
8a. Change Metronome Sound & Volume
•Press the METRONOME button (located in the RECORDER
section) •Press the MENU button •Press the NEXT button •(d) Press the button under KEY C#7 •Play
any key (try A above middle C) •Play harder or lighter for volume. •Press the MENU button to exit.
9. Record Your Own Song
•Press any SONG button in the RECORDER section (green tells you it is empty;
amber or red means it’s not) •Select your instrument sound •Press the RECORD button (Track 1 light
should flash red) •Press the PLAY/PAUSE button and begin to play •Press the STOP button •Press
the PLAY/PAUSE button to hear your recording.
9a. To Add More Tracks To Your Song
•Select second sound •Press the RECORD button (track 2 light
should flash) •Press the PLAY/PAUSE button and begin to play. •Press the STOP button. You can
have a total of 16 tracks on each song.
9b. Change Tempo of Your Song
•Press the EDIT SONG button (in RECORDER section) so it turns off
•Press the MENU button •Press the NEXT button twices •Press the UP/DOWN buttons •MENU off.
9c. Punch-in
•Press the PUNCH IN button (in RECORDER section). •Press the track you desire to edit
•Begin by pressing the PLAY button •Press the PUNCH IN button at the moment you choose to
rerecord. •Begin playing •Press the PUNCH IN or the STOP button again to STOP rerecording.
9d. Balance Track Volumes (Mix)
•Press EDIT SONG button (in RECORDER section). Buttons 1-16 now
represent tracks •While pressing Track 1 button with left hand, use your right hand to move the
DRUMS slider (in AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT section). (d) Volume Adjust will appear in window.
9e. Save Songs to Disk
•Insert disk •Press the DISK button (in OPTIONS section) •(d) Press the button
below SAVE •Press SONG to save one OR •Press NEXT twice •Press button ALL SONGS.
9f. Erase All Songs
•See ‘Hard Reset’ (#16)
10. Format a Blank Disk
•Press the DISK button (in OPTIONS section) •Press the NEXT button •(d) Press
the Format button •(d) Press the button under 'OK' •(d) Select HIGH or LOW (Look at your floppy
disk. If 'HD' appears on the upper right side of the metal slider, select HIGH. Otherwise, select LOW)
•Insert disk into the drive •(d) Press the button under 'YES' •Wait until disk is done.
11. Load One Song From Disk
•Insert disk •Press the DISK button (in OPTIONS section) •(d) Press the
button under LOAD •(d) Press the button under SONG •(d) Press the UP/DOWN buttons (below the
screen) to find the song •Press any flashing SONG button (in RECORDER section) to choose destination
•Press the button under 'LOAD' •Wait until song loads •Push PLAY (in RECORDER).
11a. Load All Songs From Disk
•Insert disk •Press the DISK button (in OPTIONS section) •(d) Press the
button under LOAD •Press the NEXT button twice •(d) Press the button under ALL SONGS •Wait
11b. Play All Songs in Chain Mode
•Press the DEMO button (in OPTIONS section) •Press the LOOP
button (in the RECORDER section). Pre-loaded songs will loop •Press the DEMO button to stop.
11c. Play One GM Song (directly from disk)
•Press the DISK button (in OPTIONS section) •(d) Press the
button under PLAY •(d) Choose PLAY ONE or PLAY ALL.