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Depending on the local situation, countless techniques can be applied to
improve measurement accuracy. Not every situation can be addressed, but
the following measures have proven effective and are the most common and
easiest to implement methods.
Cable testing from both cable ends
When troubleshooting a cable, it is a good practice to measure from both
ends, especially in open circuit faults where the actual end of the cable is not
visible. For a measurement from both ends, the combined result should cor-
respond to the expected cable length. Even if the actual cable end is shown
on the display, the reflections behind the error may be too unclear for unam
biguous analysis; in this case, measurements from both ends give a clearer
picture with higher accuracy.
Coax cable
Shielded cable
Twisted pair
Multi-wire line
Supported cable types
The TDR method can be used to check a large number of different cables
and determine the possible fault location. The KE2100 can even examine
cables up to 14 kilometers in length, for example: