B. Setting Mode
- press "Menu" key to select "Setting" mode and then
press "Enter" key to carry out
- press or key to select "DMX Address", "Pro.Edit"
or "Erase All" mode and then press "Enter" key to
get into the mode you select
(a) DMX Address Setting mode
-when you enter this mode, it will show out the
previous DMX512 Address setting
-display 2 digit, if LEDs are all on means the
#512 channel
-LED ON +1 = DMX512 Address Channel
(For Example: Address9=2 +1)see above figure
press "Enter" key to input the latest DMX
Address Channel, and press "Menu" key to give up
the editing
(b) Program Edit Setting mode
-press or to input the program you would like
full speed
full speed
(setting mode
"DMX Address")
("DMX Address9")
full speed
(slider mode)
(c) Slider mode
-use manual "slider" to control fan speed
- press "full speed" key for 100% Fan speed