129-3-H, 129-4-H und 129-5-H
Ball joint extractors with hydraulic ram
Adjust fork an the ball joint to be pulled. Putting succeeds by tightening hydraulic screw against extractor
Prior to use, back off spindle (A) so that hydraulic piston can return to its starting position. Then, place the
accompanying pressure pad on the trust bolt and tighten hydraulic ram by hand against lever such that
extractor fits up snugly on ball joint.
Actuation of spindle (A) increases the pressure and pulls ball joint off.
If ball joint fails to come off with the first stroke of the ram, back off spindle (A) and retighten ram against
lever as far as possible. Then actuate spindle (A) again to start hydraulic action. After use, back of spindle (A)
to make built-in restoring spring return the thrust bolt to its initial position.
Always keep threads of ram and puller clean and well oiled.
Always wrap extractor and ball joint to be withdrawn in a protective blanket as a precaution against the
potential effects of sudden release.
Always wear suitable personal protective equipment, inclusive goggles.
Service Information:
Hydraulic oil and packings are subject of natural aging. Careful maintenance wil] guarantee the serviceability
of your pulling tools. Sets of wearing parts are available for immediate delivery. For worn rams we also offer
factory overhaul and reconditioning against charge.
Order-No. Description
800-ERS Wearing parts set for 10 t ram
800-REP Factory overhaul of 10 t ram
801-ERS Wearing parts set for 15 t ram
801-REP Factory overhaut of 15 t ram
801-ERS Wearing parts set for 15 t ram
801-REP Factory overhaul of 15 t ram