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RTV-XG850 Wiring:
3.1a Remove under seat storage compartment and panel to access fuse compartment. If equipped with accessory wiring
harness, fasten power relay and ring terminal at end of 16 ga. black ground wire using one of the existing bolts. If
not equipped with accessory fuse box, drill 1/4” hole and fasten using bolt (not included in kit). Ensure that ground
wire makes good contact with metal surface (photo 3).
3.2a Route BLACK 12 ga. ring terminal end to ground point on frame (photo 4). Attach ring terminal. Terminal
diameter may need to be enlarged slightly. Route RED 12 ga. ring terminal end to starter solenoid under driver’s
seat (photo 5). Attach ring terminal to front post with respect to vehicle orientation.
3.3a Locate female bullet terminal at end of white/green wire located to the left of the starter solenoid (photo 6). Attach
male bullet terminal of 18 ga. blue wire.
photo 3
photo 5
photo 6
photo 4