Section 3: Operating Procedures
AP-SSG2524 Stump Grinder 328-215MK
General Operating Instructions
By now you should have familiarized yourself with the
Operator’s Manual for your model SSG2524 Stump
Grinder. If you have not done so, please do so now.
We cannot overstress the importance of reading and
following the safety information and operating
procedures that are spelled out in this Manual.
If attachment is to be operated in reverse, make sure
visibility to the rear of the power unit is appropriate for the
attachment. Backup camera or mirror is recommended.
Maintain cleanliness of lens or mirror.
Proceed by getting into the seat of your skid steer and
fastening your seat belt before starting your skid steer. It
won’t take you long to learn how to use your new Kubota
Stump Grinder, but we do recommend that you take a
little time to practice securely attaching and detaching
your Stump Grinder to and from your mounting hitch
plate. It is also important to practice maneuvering,
lowering, rotating the hitch plate, tilting the cutting wheel
up and down, and articulating the cutting wheel left and
right until you have gained the confidence and skill
needed to have a good feel in what you are doing.
It is now time for you to make a running operational
check. Make certain that the skid steer’s park brake is
engaged and auxiliary hydraulics are disengaged. You
should now start the engine and lower the hitch plate until
the skid shoes are fully seated on the ground. Next,
rotate the top of the hitch plate back to lift the cutting
wheel off the ground, back off the engine rpm to
approximately one-quarter the throttle speed, and then
engage auxiliary hydraulics. Never engage auxiliary
hydraulics at full engine rpm. Damage to the Stump
Grinder can occur. As you engage the hydraulics, you
should be watching the direction the cutting wheel turns.
The bottom of the wheel should rotate away from the skid
steer. If the bottom of the cutting wheel is rotating towards
the skid steer, then you should disengage auxiliary
hydraulics and shut off the engine. You will need to switch
the quick disconnect couplings on the hydraulic hoses to
correct this situation. Once the couplings are switched,
reattach hydraulic hoses to the skid steer and return to
the skid steer seat to recheck rotational directional of the
cutting wheel. Increase throttle speed if everything is
running properly and smoothly until you have reached full
operating speed.
Next you should extend and retract the articulation
cylinder to move the cutting wheel left to right and right to
left. Also extend and retract the tilt cylinder to raise and
lower the cutting wheel. If either one of the hydraulic
cylinders are operating opposite of what is expected,
slow the engine to an idle, disengage auxiliary
hydraulics, make sure loader arms are all the way down,
and shut the engine off. You will need to switch electrical
connections at the skid steer solenoids to correct the
problem. Switch only the electrical connections that
operated the hydraulic cylinder in the opposite direction
intended. Return to the loader and recheck the cylinder
or cylinders in question.
It is now time to start removing those unwanted stumps.
If you have not already done so, have the site marked
with flags to indicate where underground utilities run.
Also check for overhead obstructions and place orange
warning signs under overhead electrical power lines
indicating type of danger above.
Before approaching the stump, fully retract the tilt
cylinder and move the cutting wheel left or right until it is
centered in front of the skid steer. With skid steer engine
at an idle, continue to approach the stump. You will want
to rotate the top of the hitch plate back to clear the stump
as the cutting wheel passes over it and you should stop
moving forward once the cutting wheel is positioned on
the far side of the stump. Once stopped, set park brake,
lower hitch plate down until skid shoes are firmly planted
on the ground, and then rotate top of hitch plate forward
until the cutting wheel is just above the stump. It is time to
raise the engine rpm to full operating speed, extend the
articulate cylinder to move the cutting wheel fully to the
right, and extend the tilt cylinder until the cutting teeth are
below the top of the stump.
You are now ready to begin chipping away at the stump.
Slowly retract the articulation cylinder to move the cutting
wheel to the left as it removes pieces of wood from the top
of the stump. Once the cutting wheel has passed across
the top of the stump, lower the cutting wheel again and
begin moving the cutting wheel back across the stump. At
the end of each pass across the stump, lower the cutting
wheel and make another pass back across the stump
until a layer of approximately 4" deep has been removed
and/or you are ready to back-up to a new cutting position
over the stump.
Before backing-up, you should fully retract tilt cylinder,
move cutting wheel left or right until centered over the
stump, raise loader arms up several inches, lower engine
speed to an idle, release park brake, and then back skid
steer up to a new location over the stump. After you have
stopped moving, you should lower the hitch plate down
until it is resting on its skid shoes and reset the park
brake. With park brake set, raise engine speed to full
operating speed and move cutting wheel to the right side
of the stump. Begin chipping away at the stump as before
until approximately 4 more inches have been removed
across the top of the stump. You should repeat this
process of cutting down the top of the stump and backing
up until the first layer, approximately 4" deep, has been
completely removed from far side to near side of stump.
Once the top layer has been completely removed, retract
tilt cylinder, raise hitch plate up several inches, return
engine to an idle, and move forward to the far side of the
stump to begin removing a second 4" deep layer of wood.
After the second layer has been completely removed, the
skid steer should once again be repositioned to the far
side of the stump to continue to remove another layer and
another until the stump has been completely removed
below the ground up to a maximum depth of 8".
With a little practice, you will find that you will quickly
become very adept, handy, and skillful at using your
Kubota SSB2524 Stump Grinder.
“Specifications & Capacities”
on page 19 and
“Features & Benefits”
on page 20 of your Operator’s
Manual for additional information.