KTR Kupplungstechnik
D-48407 Rheine
Operating/Assembly instructions
47410 EN
8 of 19
Please observe protection
note ISO 16016.
Drawn: 14.01.14
Kb/Sta Replaced for:
KTR-N dated 28.05.13
16.01.14 Kb
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4 Assembly
4.3 Assembly of the coupling hubs
A T T E N T I O N !
We recommend to inspect bores, shaft, keyway and feather key for dimensional accuracy
before assembly.
Heating the coupling hubs lightly (approx. 80 °C) allows for an easier mounting on the shafts.
W A R N I N G !
Please pay attention to the ignition risk in hazardous locations!
D A N G E R !
Touching the heated coupling hubs causes burns.
Please wear safety gloves.
C A U T I O N !
With the assembly please make sure that the distance dimension E (see table 1) is observed
so that the coupling components are not in contact with each other during the operation.
Disregarding this advice may cause damage to the coupling.
For the axial alignment of the coupling the distance dimension E (see table 1) is decisive. In order to adjust the
right dimension E you should proceed as follows:
Shift the coupling hubs on the shaft of the driving and driven side.
The internal sides of the coupling hubs must be flush with the front sides of the shafts (illustration 4).
Align the power pack in axial direction until the distance dimension E is achieved (see table 1).
Fasten the coupling hubs by tightening the setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point (see table 5).
Illustration 4: Assembly of the coupling hubs
W A R N I N G !
If used in hazardous locations the setscrews to fasten the hubs as well as all screw connec-
tions must be secured against working loose additionally, e. g. conglutinating with Loctite
(average strength).
D A N G E R !
Components falling down may lead to personal injury or damage on the machine.
Secure the driving components during disassembly.
Untighten the setscrew in the hub and unscrew it by 2 – 3 convolutions.
Pull the hub from the shaft.