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KTR Kupplungstechnik 


D-48407 Rheine 




KTR 200 / KTR 201 

mounting instructions 



40813 EN 


Gezeichnet: 23.01.09 


Ersatz für: 

KTR-N vom 14.02.08 


ISO 16016 beachten. 


23.01.09 Pz 

Ersetzt durch: 



The clamping set is generally delivered in assembled condition. 

Tolerances, surfaces 

A good rotating process is sufficient: 

Highest permissible tolerance: 




d = h8/H8 - shaft/hub



Components of CLAMPEX


 KTR 200 / KTR 201 


Component Quantity 


external ring (slotted) 

internal ring (slotted) 

axial ring  

see table 1 and 2 

cap screw DIN EN ISO 4762 


picture 3: CLAMPEX


 KTR 200 

picture 4: CLAMPEX


 KTR 201 




A T T E N T I O N !  
Dirty or used clamping sets must be disassembled, cleaned and afterwards oiled 
with thin-bodied oil (e. g. Castrol 4 in 1 or Klüber Quietsch-Ex) before the assembly. 
The bodied oil assembly of the clamping set is to be effected acc. to picture 3 and 
picture 4. 



C A U T I O N !  
When assembling the internal ring (part 2) and the external ring (part 1) please 
make sure that the slots are staggered. The forcing thread of the internal ring 
(part 2) must not be congruent with the slot of the external ring (part 1). 




  Check the position of shaft and hub regarding the stipulated tolerance (h8/H8). 

  Clean the hub bore and the shaft and afterwards oil them with thin-bodied oil (e. g. Castrol 4 in 1 or 

Klüber Quietsch-Ex). 



C A U T I O N !  
Do not use oils and greases with molybdenum disulphide or high pressure 
additions as well as slide grease pastes. 


  Unscrew the clamping screws slightly and insert the clamping set KTR 200 / KTR 201 between 

shaft and hub. 

  Slightly tighten the clamping screws manually and align the clamping set with hub part. 

