Instruction manual (110)
Edition A
Declaration of Conformity
YACK Stair climber N 911
Stair climber with seat
YACK Stair climber N 912 Stair climber for wheelchairs
YACK Stair climber N 913 Stair climber that can be hooked to wheelchairs
- are classified as
Class I medical devices
to Annex IX of Directive 93/42/EEC (as acknowledged by Legislative Decree 46/1997),
- conform to Directive 93/42 “medical devices”
and satisfy the essential prescriptions of Annex I, Directive 93/42/EEC
- conformity for the purposes of applying the CE mark has been assessed pursuant
to the procedure required by Annex VII of Directive 93/42/EEC
- the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility were assessed pursuant
to the Harmonized Standard EN 60601-1-2
These devices have been officially published in the Repertorio dei Dispositivi Medici
(list of medical devices available in Italy) kept by the Ministry of Health pursuant
to the Ministerial Decrees of 20th February 2007 and 30th March 2007.
All the products are constructed in conformity with current occupational safety
standards, with particular reference to the Consolidated Safety Law,
Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent modifications and additions.
The Legal Representative
Claudio Emanuelli
KSP Italia
declares and guarantees that the products described below:
KSP Italia
Via dell’Artigianato, 1
06031 Bevagna (PG) - Italy
Tel. 0039 0742 361947
Fax 0039 0742 361946
[email protected]