Rice cooking
2 measures or 300 g long grain rice, 2 measures or
400 ml water, 50 ml olive oil, 1 onion, 30 dried black mushrooms,
100 g shelled shrimps, 2 eggs, 3 soupspoonfuls soy sauce, 2 soups-
poonfuls nuoc-man, salt, pepper.
Rice cooking
Cooking time:
13 mins
Soak the mushrooms in cold water for 30 minutes. Wash the rice under
the tap. Put the rice and water into the container, add salt. Close the lid.
Plug in. The appliance will switch to keep warm after 16 minutes coo-
king. Thinly slice mushrooms and onion and fry in olive oil. Make a
well-cooked omelette with the eggs and cut into pieces. Mix the mush-
rooms, onion, omelette and shrimps into the rice. Season with pepper,
soy sauce, nuoc-man. Keep warm before serving.
30 mins
(for 4)
2 measures or 300 g long grain rice, 150 g haddock, 100 g
chopped onions, 120 g butter, 1 bouquet garni, 2 measures or 400 ml
water, salt, pepper, 200 ml single cream, juice of 1 lemon.
Cooking time:
13 mins
Cut the haddock into large pieces. Rinse the rice under running water.
Place the melted butter, chopped onion, pieces of haddock and rice in
the bowl Stir well. Add the water and the bouquet garni. Season. Close
the lid and switch on. The appliance will automatically switch over to
keep warm after 13 minutes cooking. Remove the bouquet garni and
serve the rice with the hot cream mixed with the lemon juice.
10 mins
(for 4)
200 g corn flour, 850 ml water, 50 g butter, 50 g parme-
san cheese, salt.
Rice cooking
Cooking time:
8 mins
Place the boiling water, salt and the butter in the bowl. Pour in the flour
and mix well. Close the lid and switch on. The appliance will automa-
tically switch over to keep warm after 8 minutes cooking. Open the lid
after 10 minutes keeping warm and stir in the parmesan cheese. Pour
into a dish for it to take shape. Unmould and serve. You can leave it to
cool before cutting into pieces. Colour with butter in a frying pan or
spinkle with grated gruyère cheese au gratin.
10 mins
(for 4)