Pos: 48.60.8 /Ü berschriften/Z wischenüberschriften/A-EBei Ausführ ung Gar n- und N etzbindung @ 335\mod_1429618464750_78.docx @ 2552971 @ @ 1
With twine tying and net tying version
Pos: 48.60.9 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Netz-Garnbindung/Bild Bauteil e Garn- und Netzbindung @ 342\mod_1432727959856_78.docx @ 2589240 @ @ 1
Fig. 183
1 Blade cassette
2 Twine tying
3 Pressure roll
4 Rubber roll
5 Link guidance
6 Twine box
7 Tension spring pressure roll
8 Stepped pulley
Pos: 48.60.10 /BA/Bedi enung /R undball enpresse/N etz-Garnbindung/F unktion der Garnbindung_F orti ma V @ 334\mod_1429195382012_78.docx @ 2548975 @ 3 @ 1
Function of Tying
The upper twines are guided from the twine box through twine guide eyes and twine brake to
the stepped pulley (8). The two lower twines are guided from twine brake directly to twine tying.
From here, they are guided by means of twine tying (2) between rubber roll (4) and pressure roll
(3) in the area of blade cassette (1).
When starting wrapping process, the rubber roll (4) is driven and conveys the twine in the area
of conveyor channel and rotating round bale. The still conveyed crop ensures that the twine is
picked up with the round bale. The twine tying (2) leads two twines from inside to outside and
then again to the inside over the round bale. At the same time the twine tying leads the other
twines from outside to inside and back again over the round bale.
A sensor on the twine tying reports that the wrapping process is completed. The twine is cut off
and the wrapping process is completed.
Pos: 48.60.11 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1