Addendum to Operating and Instruction Manual for “Modis” Converters
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Park Farm Industrial Estate
Tel. +44 1933 408 500
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SetTot =0:
Totalizer is totalizing. If the value of SetTot changes from “1” or “2” to “0”
the totalizer starts from the actual (0 or Preset value).
SetTot =1:
Totalizer will be reset to 0 and stays there until SetTot is switched to 0.
SetTot =2:
Totalizer is set to the value of PresetTot. PresetTot can be written via a
acyclic master (totalizer in block 4 = Slot 4 Index 32; totalizer in block 8
Index 32).
Is not allowed
ModeTot = 0 totalizer totalizes positive and negative values.
ModeTot = 1 totalizes only positive values.
ModeTot = 2 totalizes only negative values.
ModeTot = 3 totalizer is stopped, no totalization happens.
3 is not allowed
5. The standard block configuration can be changed, e.g. that density will be transferred in
block 1 instead of block 2. To do this, customer has to use a user tool, which can change
the “channel parameter” under the relative index 14, for totalizer function blocks under
index 12. In the above listed table, we have listed in the column “ Address of the “channel
parameter” the value, which you have to program in the channel parameter of the function
6. Does the device include the options “volume concentration” or “° Baumé”, ° Brix and
NaOH, these values can be programmed via the channel parameters on a Al function
block. The value of the corresponding function block (relative Index 14) has to be
programmed 0x0135 for volume concentration or 0x013D for ° Baumé.
2.2 PROFIBUS-PA Profile
The MFC 081/085 i supports the PROFIBUS-PA Profile Version 3.0. Additionally, all relevant
parameters in the device are offered via the PROFIBUS-PA interface. The MFC 081/ 085
defines the following blocks:
blocks Analog Input (AI): mass flow, density, temperature, volume flow, percentage
mass and solid flow. Optional volume concentration and ° Baumé can be provided.
Two totalizer function blocks (TOT): totalized mass and totalized volume. As an option, the
solids can be totalized.
One transducer block for Coriolis mass flow devices.
This block provides the parameters and functions defined in Profile 3.0, as well attached
are the values, which are not defined by the profile.
This block contains the parameters defined in Profile 3.0.