Preparing to Insert dowel rods
Insert the twelve dowel rods into the dowel holders. Seven inches of rod should protrude on either side. The 1" dowel rods
will eventually be held in place with wood glue and 1/4" X 1 3/4" dowel pins. Use a drill press with a 1/4" drill bit, set to a depth
of 1 3/4" to drill the hole for each dowel pin through the holder and the dowel rod. Please center each hole properly. After the
drilling is complete remove the dowel rods.
Cut the groove in the top piece
Place a 1/4" by 5 1/2" groove in the center of the bottom edge of the top. I use a Freud (99-036) Adjustable Tongue and
Groove Bit set mounted in a Kreg router table to cut the groove. Alternatively you can use a table saw.
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