Thank you very much for purchasing the KOWA LUBRICATING SYSTEM.
This Instruction Manual has been compiled as a practical guide for the operation and
maintenance of the Grease Checker.
All descriptions contained herein are based on the standard system, which may, therefore, be
different from those of the purchased system. Such a problem can be solved by referring to the
final specifications. However, it is required to understand that some changes caused by the
modification of equipment may not be described in the final specifications.
The warranty period for this system will be one year from the commencement of operation.
Any defect or failure occurring during the warranty period, for which KWK is liable in design and
manufacturing, shall be corrected and / or eliminated by KWK without compensation.
However, any defect or failure caused by improper operation which is not described in this
Instruction Manual shall not be guaranteed, even though the defect or failure occurs witch the
guaranteed period.
If you have any suspicions or questions in this instruction manual, please contact our distributor
which supplied this device.
Parts order
Please order from our distributor that provided this device.