KORTHO Hot Quick Coder Manual
The cursor keys positioned below the LCD display on the control panel are used to navigate through the control box’s
screen menus. While in stop-mode the arrow down key (HEAD OUT) fixes the type holder in the outer most postion. The
arrow up key (HEAD IN) moves the type holder back into neutral position.
Three command keys, STOP, START and TEST are provided.
The STOP key sets the printer in the stop-mode. In stop-mode the printing is stopped and “STOP” is displayed on the
The START key sets the printer in run-mode and “RUN” is displayed on the LCD-display. The printer now accepts trigger
pulses from the host machine, if the alarm is not set.
The TEST key is only enabled in stop-mode. Press this key to make one test print. A test print will only be made if the
alarm signal is not set.
The Control box contains a Control Panel with which specific functions can be performed such as switching the HQC on and
off and setting the print parameters. The Control Panel can also be used to issue a test print signal.
The Control Panel
2.2.1 Print Cycle
The purpose of the printer is to print an image on a substrate.
The print cycle is initiated with a trigger signal. This trigger must be generated by a host machine or a photocell, which
detects the product or special mark on the substrate.
2.2.2 User Interface
The user interface consists of two parts, the control panel and the menu structure of operator menus.
Hot Quickcoder
2.3.1 Indicator Icons
The Indicator icons on the LCD display, are provided to show the status:
T-icon: Indicates that the trigger input is set. And in RUN mode the print cycle will start.
P-icon: Indicates that the printer is printing.
H-icon:Indicates that the heating elements are switched on. This icon is flashing until the set temperature is reached.