Listening to the demo songs
The Grandstage contains 16 demo songs. You can check
which sounds are typically used while playing back each
song (refer to the demo song list in the “Sound Name List”.)
1. Press the SYSTEM and TRANSPOSE buttons
Each button will blink, and the keyboard will enter
demo song performance mode.
The FAVORITE button, bank A will blink, and the first
demo song will automatically start to play.
• One demo song is assigned to each favorite button,
for a total of 16 demo songs.
• When song A finishes, song B will automatically
begin. The button for each song will blink while the
song is playing. All of the demo songs will play back
in order, while you are not operating the Grandstage .
• The program number and sound name used by the
demo song are shown in the left and right displays.
This allows you to see which sounds are being used
by the demo song.
• In demo song performance mode, all operations
except for the SYSTEM button, TRANSPOSE
button, the 16 FAVORITE buttons and the MASTER
VOLUME knob are disabled.
• You will not be able to select sounds or operate the
different knobs, or use the controllers including the
wheels, SW 1/2, damper pedal and so on.
2. To select another demo song, press the
desired FAVORITE button.
The button will blink, and the demo song you select will
play back from the top.
Press the blinking button again to restart the song once
more from the top.
3. To stop playback on a demo song, press the
SYSTEM button, TRANSPOSE button or EXIT
The Grandstage will exit demo song performance mode
and return to the state shown in step 1.
The settings for favorites that you have changed
but not saved will be reset after entering demo song
performance mode. Be sure to write any favorites
to memory before entering demo song performance
mode if you want to save them, by using the
following steps. (see page 13)
Selecting and playing
The Grandstage includes 500 programs that are separated into
categories (refer to the program list in the “Sound Name List”.)
Each sound, such as piano, strings and so on is referred to as
a “program”. Programs can be played on their own, or two
programs can be layered or split to be played together.
These programs can be played by directly selecting a category
and variation in the KEYBOARDS and ENSEMBLE sections;
but programs that you wish to use can also be saved as favorites,
which are convenient to quickly call up while playing.
64 favorites from A1 to H8
Sound programs
Sound programs
Favorites include programs, levels and edit information, and can
also include as reverb/delay settings, layer/split settings and so on
when saved.
The 64 favorites can be selected by using the 16 FAVORITE
buttons (bank buttons A–H and number buttons 1–8; refer to the
favorite list in the “Sound Name List”.)
Some of the favorites include recommended settings by factory
Favorite data can be backed up using external USB flash