date of change: 20.08.2014
Page: 9/19
5 Adjustment of Parameters in the menu
The single parameters are classified in groups:
a) Group
SP (parameter concerning set point)
b) Group
(parameter concerning measuring inlets)
c) Group
(parameter concerning temperature control)
d) Group
(parameter concerning defrost process)
e) Group
(parameter concerning fans/blowers)
f) Group
(parameter concerning switch-on delay / evaporator protection)
You will find the explanations to the single parameters in point
from page
Access to menu is secured by a password!
5.1 Example for change of a parameter, here parameter defrost interval “d.dı”
For selecting the menu please press and hold button . “SP” is blinking in the display. After 5 sec-
onds a „0“ appears. By pressing buttons and the password „
“ is set. Now press button
once, in order to confirm the password.
The display now shows the term of the first group „
SP“. By pressing buttons and the other
groups can be selected, by pressing button the respective group is opened.
In order to change the defrosting intervals please browse with buttons and , until group
„]dF“ appears in the display. By pressing button you open this group. First the display
showsarameter „d.dt“ blinking. By pressing buttons and you can choose paramenter „ d.dı“;
parameter „ d.dı“ is now blinking in the display. By pressing button once, the current setting is
shown, “d.dı” and the adjusted value “1,30” are blinking alternately. Now the value can be
changed. The new value is stored by leaving the parameter with . You can leave the parameter
with button . If you press button longer, the menu switches back to the groups, afterwards
you can leave the menu by pressing this button longer once again.
5.2 Conversion to cooling with recirculated air defrosting / or replace a FR1, FR2, FR3 or FR4
Contrary to the factory setting „cooling with hot-gas defrosting”, the following parameters have to
be changed:
parameter „ d.dt“ in group „
dF“ has to be changed from „in“ to „FdE“
parameter „ d.td“ in group „
dF“ has to be changed from „1“ to „of“
parameter „ F.Fd“ in group „
Fn“ has to be changed from „1“ to „of“
If no evaporator sensor has been installed (e.g.
replace FR1
) the parameter „ ı.P2“
in group „
In“ has to be changed from „on“ to „of“
If you replace a FR1, FR2 or FR3 with the FR4 and the external ON-OFF-button should be used
furthermore or further instruments such as temperature recorder or heating should be switched on
together with the FR4.1 by an external button, you have to change parameter „ t.UF“ in group „
from „4“ to „of“.