SMARC-sAMX8X User Guide. Rev. 1.1
// 37
Power Control
Power Supply
The SMARC-sAMX8X supports a power input from 3.0 to 5.25V. The supply voltage is applied through the VCC pins
(VCC) of the module connector. Considered current rating of protective device is part of End-Equipment.
Power Button (POWER_BTN#)
The power button (Pin P128) is available through the module connector described in the pinout list. To start the
module via Power Button the PWRBTN# signal must be at least 50 ms (50 ms ≤ t < 4 s, typical 400 ms) at low level
(Power Button Event).
Pressing the power button for at least 4 seconds will turn off power to the module
(Power Button Override).
Power Bad Signal (VIN_POWER_BAD#)
The SMARC-sAMX8X provides an external input for a Carrier Board Power Bad signal (Pin S150). The implementation
of this subsystem complies with the SMARC Specification. VIN_POWER_BAD# is internally pulled up to module input
voltage and must be high level (open drain) to power on the module.
Reset Button (RESET_IN#)
The reset button (Pin P127) is available through the module connector described in the pinout list. The module will
stay in reset as long as RESET_IN# is grounded.
If any of the supply voltages drops below the allowed operating level longer than the
specified hold-up time, all the supply voltages should be shut down and left OFF for a time
long enough to allow the internal board voltages to discharge sufficiently.
If the OFF time is not observed, parts of the board or attached peripherals may work
incorrectly or even suffer a reduction of MTBF.
The minimum OFF time depends on the implemented PSU model and other electrical factors
and needs to be measured individually for each case.
The following parameters should be delivered from the carrier board:
Voltage Ripple maximum 100 mV peak to peak 0-20 MHz in 0 ms to 20 ms rise time
from input voltage <10% to nominal VCC
Max allowed inrush current: connector limit (15 W @ 3,0 V)