It is recommended to stop convey-
ing by removing the intake nozzle
from the material or open the slide
on the intake nozzle completely.
Run suction blower and piping sys
tem clean – then stop the suction
Even in cases where the piping
system is not clean when the
Selection of intake
Use the correct intake nozzle for
your conveying job to ensure maxi
mum conveying capacity and easi-
est operation.
Universal intake nozzle
Designed to be used for most suc-
tion jobs. The handle is removable.
Clean up nozzle
Designed for the final floor clean-
up. Provides a somewhat lower
conveying capacity than the univer-
sal nozzle but is easier to operate
in a clean-up situation. The nozzle
is equipped with wheels and a swi
vel between nozzle and hose to
relieve possible twisting on the
nozzle. The handle is removable.
Short intake nozzle
Designed for suction with OK160
pipe from full bin or truck. Shutter
must be fitted to prevent the mate
rial from running out by itself.
Round intake nozzle
Designed for stationary suction
through hole in container or similar.
Can also be used to suck from pile.
Long intake nozzle
Designed for suction from
deep pits. May be
extended with 65 cm
(2.1ft) sections.
suction blower is stopped, this
normally will not cause prob-
lems. It is therefore also possible
to keep the intake nozzle in the
same position while starting and
stopping the suction blower.
Clearing a blocked
pipe system
Open the slide on the intake nozzle
completely, or raise the intake
nozzle clear of the material to see
if the blower itself can clear the
If this is not possible, separate and
empty the pipe system. Adjust the
slide on the intake nozzle for max.
conveying capacity.