Pressure / vacuum or flow control of the blower
Part no.
123 040 060
Pressure control unit
123 040 061
Flow control unit
In case you wish to use the blower´s built in PID con-
trol to maintain a fixed pressure/vacuum or volume/
air speed from the blower, a pressure/vacuum- or flow
control unit must be connected to the blower´s control.
Kongskilde recommends to utilize Kongskildes stand-
ard pressure/vacuum- or flow control device for auto
matic operation.
In both the pressure/vacuum- and flow control package,
an external differential pressure transmitter is used, in
addition to either an pipe mounted flow measuring rod
or pipe installed pressure gauge. Both packages also
includes hose and fittings.
IMPORTANT: The pressure transmitter must be mount-
ed on firm ground without vibrations, ie. not onto the
pipe system or the blower. Since turbulence can occur
in the piping close to the blower, it is recommended to
mount the flow measuring rod at a distance of at least
20 x pipe diameter from the blower or any bends. In
case the distance is less, the flow / air velocity is still
kept constant, but the read out values may be encum-
bered a minor error.
The pressure gauge must be located in the pipe string
at the point where you want the pressure / vacuum to
be kept constant. It can, in principle, be both on the
suction side and on the pressure side.
When connecting pressure/vacuum- or flow control
units, the wires from the differential pressure transmit-
ter must be connected to the blower´s terminal block as
1 - The main switch is switched off and locked
2 - The right door is opened
3 - Guide the differential pressure transmitter´s wire
through an M20 cable relief (not supplied), and attach
the relief in the base frame.
4 - The terminals are released with a small screwdriver,
and the wires installed according to the diagram:
terminal 1 (+24VDC) to terminal 1 of the transmitter
terminal 10 (4-20mA signal) to the terminal 2 of the
if needed, a connection from terminal 2 (0VDC) to
the transmitter should be established, in case this
is needed for the transmitter (not required at Kongs
kildes flow- or pressure transmitter).
install a 500 ohm resistor
5 - The cable relief is tightened and the blower door is
6 - The differential pressure transmitter´s lid is re-
moved, and the transmitter is mounted onto a vibration-
free surface.
7 - the wires are connected according to the diagram,
and the lid is reinstalled.
8 - The hoses from the aperture (at flow control) or
pressure outlet (at pressure control) are connected ac-
cording to the illustration. 4 m of clear hose is included,
this can be extended if needed. Power is reconnected
on the main switch.
Silencer for intake/outlet air
It is possible to supply the blowers with an FK350 x 2m
silencer (without baffles) for intake and outlet air.
This is available in two versions:
Part no.
123 040 057
FK350mm x 2m silencer without
baffles, galvanized, with 1 clamp
123 040 058
FK350mm x 2m silencer without
baffles, galvanized, for horizontal
mounting, with 1 clamp and support
123 040 057
123 040 058