Kongsberg Maritime AS
KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY – see Statement of Proprietary Information
401925 / D / 2021-08-17 / Page 7 of 15
LFM pulses
Make sure all frequencies are set to active and that LFM is selected for all transducers where
this is possible. Enter the
Diagnostics -> TRANSDUCER
menu. Select one system at a time and
verify that the impedances and phase angle plots are as expected.
Verify that the plots look normal, and that there are no large deviations between the different
Functional test of ADCP
Make sure the ADCP is in water when pinging is activated. Pinging in air may
damage the transducer.
Configure the EC150-3C to ADCP mode. Set the power and cell size to minimum. Reduce the
colour span of the ADCP to minimum.
Operate the ADCP in both CW and LFM mode.
Verify that you see the bottom return in the echogram and that all beams detect the bottom.
Check if you measure any velocities in the water column.