Reversing is used to change the response direction of steering wheel and throttle trigger.
KT2S Transmitter features 2 reversing functions: Steering Reverse and Throttle Reverse.
Steering Reverse:
Reverse the response direction when operating steering wheel. Turning left steering wheel, the model turns right
while turning right the model turns left.
Throttle Reverse:
Reverse the response direction when operating throttle trigger. Pushing forward throttle trigger the model moves
backward while pulling back, the model moves forward.
Programming the End-points
Setup your radio:
Pairing your KR2S to your KT2S
1.Turn off the Transmitter and Receiver
2.Press and Hold the setup button on the receiver while turning on the receiver.
3.Release the setup button when the LED flashes green.
4. While the green LED flashes, press the setup button to select the frame rate.
- Faster flashes= high frame rate (7ms), for digital servo
- Slower flashes= low frame rate (15ms), for analog servo
5. Press and Hold the setup key of the Transmitter, and then turn on the Transmitter, the Transmitter will communicate with the RX. When the RX LED solid on, the pairing process is
done, and this RX is paired with this TX.
KT2S features two trimming functions:
Steering Trim and Throttle Trim.
Steering Trim Dial :
Adjust the neutral position of steering servo when the wheels are straight ahead.
Normally steering trim is adjusted until the model can keep straight tracks.
Throttle Trim Dial :
Adjust neutral position of throttle servo. Make sure the model stays still when releasing the throttle trigger.
Adjustable Steering Rate enables to adjust the same maximum steering angle of servo on both sides (Left and Right) when model makes steering. The Adjustable Steering Rate affects
the sensitivity of servo. Reducing dual rate value can lower the sensitivity of servo and reduce the same maximum steering angle on both sides. Remember to adjust the dual rate value
within the adjustment range.
Adjustable Steering Rate
1) Steering End-points programming
- To set the Right End point of Steering:
- During normal operation,
- Hold the Steering wheel at right-most, and then hold the setup key over 1 sec
- LED will become solid red color, and the Right End-point will be reset to max value
- Next, use the steering wheel to let the steering servo point at the expected right most location. Now, pressing the setup key to save this Right End Point.
- The LED will be flashed 4 times while data is saved.
- To set the Left End point of Steering:
- Similar to above, logically hold the Steering at Left-most position and hold the setup key over 1 sec.
2) Throttle End-points programming
- To set the Forward End point:
- Similarly, hold the Throttle at Forward-most position to set Forward End Point, hold the setup key over 1 sec to enter Forward End Point programming...
- To set the Reverse End point:
- Similarly, hold the Throttle at Reverse -most position to set Reverse End Point, hold the setup key over 1 sec to enter Reverse End Point programming...