I/O Assembly Messaging Handshaking Sequence
4. Amplifier sees the Load/Start flag transition high and
attempts to execute the command specified in the Com-
mand Type field on the data in the Data bytes. If suc-
cessful, the amplifier sets the Load Complete flag. If
the command fails or the command assembly is invalid,
the amplifier will set Response Type to Error and load
error information in the response assembly Data fields.
If the command matches the operating mode (e.g. Tar-
get Position in positioning mode), the amplifier will start
If no error, execute the requested command R:
0x81 0x00 0x80 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Enabled=1, In Motion=1, Load Complete=1,
Response Axis=1, Response Type=0 (none),
Data=0 If there was an error (e.g. data out of
range): R: 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x34 0x09 0xFF 0x21
0x20 Enabled=1, Load Complete=0, Response
Axis=1, Response Type=0x14 (Error), Error
codes=0x09FF (Invalid Attribute), bytes 6-7 echo
command assembly bytes 2-3.
5. Controller waits for either the Load Complete flag to
transition high or for an Error Response Type in the
response assembly, then clears Load/Start. Ready for
next command
Clear Load/Start C: 0x80 0x00 0x21 0x20 0xE8
0x03 0x00 0x00 Enable=1, Load/Start=0, Com-
mand Axis=1, Command Type=1, Response
Axis=1, Data=1000
6.3 Velocity Mode
In this mode, the drive is controlled via a speed set point sent from the controller to the drive using I/O
Assembly Messaging (the Jog command). When changing velocity, the commanded acceleration and decel-
eration rates will be used.
6.3.1 Setup Velocity Mode
Before Jog commands may be issued, the following conditions must be met:
Faults are cleared (query the General Fault bit in Status Word 1 and issue an explicit message to clear
faults if necessary)
Drive is enabled (set Enable bit in the Control Word)
Drive is in velocity mode (set Attribute 3 Operational Mode of the Position Controller object)
Smooth Stop and Hard Stop bits are cleared in Status Word 1.
Position Limits are cleared (check bits in Status Word 2)
6.3.2 Velocity Moves
Once the drive is ready to jog, issue Jog commands (command type 0x07) to set a speed set point in the
drive. Target Velocity, Acceleration, Deceleration, and Direction should all be loaded before setting the
Load/Start bit to initiate the move.
While in motion, you may issue another Jog command to immediately change velocity and direction at the
desired acceleration and deceleration rates.
While a jog is operating, the In Motion bit in Status Word 1 will be set and In Position will be cleared. The Dir-
ection status bit will reflect the actual direction of motion.
Set the Smooth Stop bit to stop the motor at the previously set deceleration rate and remain enabled.
Set the Hard Stop bit to immediately stop at the Controlled Stop rate and disable. To clear this Controlled
Stop condition, you must clear the Hard Stop and Enable bits, then set the Enable bit.
Velocity move values can be verified in Workbench. From the terminal, the affected values are VL.CMD.
6.4 Position Mode
In this mode, the drive runs an internal trajectory generator for moving between commanded positions. These
positions can be sent directly from the controller (point to point moves), or pre-programmed in Motion Task
6.4.1 Setup Position Mode
Before Position Move commands may be issued, the following conditions must be met:
Ethernet/IP Communications | 6 Communication Profile
Kollmorgen | December 2014